Thursday, June 26, 2003

Everybody wants to be a Cat

The cat that lives at my house and responds to the name Zoe, has three orange and white kittens. Now, Zoe had these kittens out at the wood pile and mostly that is where they have stayed. In the past three weeks, however, they have learned to jump, climb trees, sneak, scatter and pounce. I think they are two boys and a girl. I haven't gotten a good look, I am just assuming due to observed behavior. They are still nursing from Zoe and have started eating the big cat food too. There's a hitch. These kittens are W-I-L-D!!! I mean out of their mind wild. I think they communicate on another level, because they are always having similar reactions to things. Yesterday, I sat with Zoe for about fifteen minutes or so and waited. I never looked at the kittens because they scattered when I did. Finally, at the end of the session, they would eat with me present. As soon as I stood up. . . SCATTER. It was hysterical. Hopefully, in the next couple of months, they will love me just as much as their mother does. I have trained her to respond to a whistle--or maybe she has just allowed me to think that she is trained because that's just the way cats are.

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