So tired of being trapped in my mind. I finally broke down and asked for help. My friend Jane is a wonderful woman. She is crazy as a loon, but a wonderful woman none the less.
Now that I am finally on the other side of stress: I have started on this path to try to work. I don't know where God wants me go or be or do. I just know that I keep waking up in the morning so there must be something for me to do, right? Something other than sending out cyber resumes to cyber companies with no contact in return. No way of knowing if I am even going in the right direction. Jane says that God is giving me this time to take care of myself.
Two folks that have been consistently present in my past ten years on this spiritual journey: God & me.
I have heard it best put by she who will not be named: self care leads to God's will.
It has been a month now...a month. Mostly what I have accomplished is sleep, watching massive amounts of tv and a little exercise. I am miserable. My life is inconsistant and getting more depressing by the second. So I asked for help. What else could I do?
Jane Says...
plan your days
get into the Word
make a care plan for Rae
pray, pray, pray
pray my ass off some more
The reference for this blog: Ecclesiastes 3.
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