My life has run away and left me behind with nothing to show for it but some grades, a few cd's and lack of sanity. Today is the first day that I have nothing to do except pray, breath in, breath out, pray and go back to bed. I am so behind in so many areas of my life it is hard to decipher what to do, if anything at all. I can hear someone in the back of my head saying, "Start what you need to start, work on what you need to work on, and finish what needs to be finished. This is divine order." So here I am starting my blog in hopes that one thing can be started. If nothing else. I have a few pics from the break:
She is the wife of a dear friend of mine from highschool who is more talented in crafts than anyone I have ever seen. I enjoy reading her blog on a regular basis and during a bit of brain fried-ness during finals, these two butterflies came out. They are made from cardstock, glitter pens and glue sticks. They are pinned on my wall of my craft room. Thanks for the inspiration Jess. My mind is less mush because of you.
Also, we had fun here on the farm working up a Christmas tree:
We had fun picking one out and putting up the decor. We bought our tree from Nacoochee Valley Farms this year which is a farm of Historic Hwy 17. They sell all kinds of things there like eggs, milk, fresh veggies and as it turns out Christmas Trees. It went to support the farmer's church ministry. Can't resist a good charitable reason to buy a tree. And so be it. Unfortunately, the top was too flimsey for our angel. She kept falling over, so we left her on top of the Clock where she sits year round.
Our Christmas was spent in a half and half mode: half at Mom's & half at BJ's. Unfortunately BJ was ill the whole time we were in WV, so Christmas was a bit yucky this year. There were lots of good presents this year. Some highlights were the cds: Claude Debussy, Cold Play and CCR. Can you say what?! Yeah, I got three different cd's all starting with C, all from three different eras of the 20th century...although Coldplay is the 21rst century, same difference.
Now we are home and I am a disaster zone inside. All the traveling, family, presents, lack of spirituality, holding on to my sanity with both hands and white knuckles. It is a lot. Today is about getting Rae back on track. Hopefully. I don't want to do too much for fear it will put me over the edge of doing. I feel like one of those snow globes that was shaken up and set down to look at: all the snow is everywhere, but the picture in the center is so pretty. Such a contrast. I am glad that I have a week before I go back to school. It will be a week of divinity.
Simply be.
I'm finding it's hard to keep my sanity while homeschooling, trying to pay attention to a toddler, trying to keep the house picked up (much less try to do fly lady!), trying to do pleasurable things that make me happy...
Something's gotta give and right now it's my blood pressure. I hope you and I both find a way to minimize the unnecessary and maximize time with God.
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