Friday, August 22, 2008

I have always had a hard time maintaining relationships. I am great at making new friends or staying friends with someone because they go to school with me, work with me, church with me or live with me. I am horrible at the afterwards. For example, when I graduated highschool, people just disappeared out of my life. I have heard that people came back from college and on the holidays got together with old friends, but I never did that. I never had that. College, same thing. I graduated, they were gone: poof, like smoke.

The same thing was true for my relationship with God too. When I was no longer "required" to go to church, I didn't go. And just like that: poof, like smoke, God was gone from my life.

I found God again. It took getting honest, finding courage, having integrity and discipline, all and all I perservered and have an awareness of God that gives me the ability of service to God and to my fellows. It has been a long road of growth for me, but as a result, I have a relationship with God.

That Relationship has given me the ability to have relationships with my parents, my brother, my friends that stuck around long enough for me to stray and return and a few new folks along the way.

The reason I mention all of this is that I started back to school this week. Instead of the newness that comes with the freshman feel, I had a sophomore experience. I knew people already and don't have to go through the rigamarole of social dysfunction. I am hoping that, because I have a relationship with God, that maybe I can keep some of these college friends this time around...God willing!

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