Thursday, June 05, 2008

My new son. Oprah thinks she has really cool guests when she brings on the guy who can hold his breath for the world record. I say that's nothing. I can have children without giving birth. Even better than that, I can have children that are six months older than me. Do that Oprah!

Yeah, it has been a regular soap opera in my life this past year. We lost a grandson through a paternity test and gained a son, daughter-in-law and two more grandkids as a result of ghosts revealing themselves from the past.

This week is crazy for me. We are having our makeup day for Memorial Day so instead of having my normal Friday off, I have Friday on which means lots of school work. There is an anda that goes with that: And I am doing church flowers this week, and I am chairing Sunday night, and I am printing out invitations for David's birthday, and I am making a care package for a mentoree from John's work, and I am studying for a test that is on five chapters on Monday, andI am going to church Sunday morning if it kills me, and I am writing two papers due Monday, and the Donnelly's want me to have dinner, and I have been craving some Sweetwater coffee time, and I am supposed to hang out with Veronica Saturday night. Can you say INSANE?

There is a reason my life is a soap opera.

I lost five pounds. This means that I am fifteen down on my forty that I want to lose. I didn't think I was ever going to lose any more weight, I thought I was going to be stuck at ten pounds forever.

My Mikey dog is losing five pounds in fur all over the place. Shedding makes me grateful he is an outside dog.

I am totally cruising on Minuet two and am looking into Gavotte in G minor. I am working on getting the dynamics right not to mention the intonation. There is a little exercise that is listed for the song for intonation. I was horrible the first time I played it. My guess is this piece will need more work than the last one.

I'm trying to think of a title for my soap opera. "Life on the Farm" Nah, nothing happens on a farm, well not usually. Normally we just get new calfs not new sons.


Anonymous said...

You're going to need some serious down time after all this busyness :)

Yay for the weightloss!

Anonymous said...

My dog, Patches, is leaving fur all over my house!! We have purchased a great brush that gets to her undercoat and that has made a difference.