I have been on a diet for some time now. Successfully losing fifteen pounds so far and would really appreciate losing another twenty to be about the right size for me. This is something that is hard for me, as I have always been a thin person. I have always been a generally active person. So for me it almost wounds my pride to have to DIET. I mean, really isn't that for fat people? I AM FAT. According to the FDA, I am slightly overweight with a slightly higher BMI than normal (I need to lose two points--what ever that means!)
My family thought it would be a great idea to go to Dairy Queen for Father's Day. This is jim dandy if I could eat sugar, white flour and two thousand calories a day, but as it turns out, I can't AND lose weight. But I was curious, how many calories does that Blizzard really have...I mean, really. Dad says 4000 calories. This would explain why the American public is severely obese. Turns out, oh Pop of mine, the oreo blizzard is 570 calories for a small. The one that little brother had, strawberry cheesequake, is 530 calories. I can't remember which one Momo picked, but I would have had a chocolate blizzard: that is to say the one with the most chocolate possible blizzard: Brownie Batter Blizzard, which is 630 calories...for a small.
Don't worry it is only over half my caloric intake for a whole DAY! Can you say superfat?
All I have to say to you mealy mouthed blizzard eaters is HA! I will not be conned into your wiley ways to eat your way to filling, sweet tasting treats. I will persevere! I will be thin again!
HA! Take that!
You did it!! You went and didn't have a blizzard!! But wasn't the company great?!?! And the golf cart ride couldn't be beat.
Du forwarded me a powerpoint presentation of some of the most popular fast food items and how many calories and fat grams are in each. Although they look good when you first look at them, it's a little gross when you look at them after the fat knowledge. If I still have it I'll forward it to you. It will definitely be motivation.
I walked two miles yesterday and broke a serious sweat.
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