Yeah baby. Went to Mom & Dad's and they wouldn't let me leave without taking a picture of this. It is a two karat natural ruby from Holland (?) set in yellow gold prongs and a set of matching diamonds (.79K total weight) from Tel Aviv (?) set in white gold prongs. (I get which is from where so the gems might be from the opposite countries, but I am for sure on the countries, just can't remember which goes with what.) The band has filigree yellow gold and a shank on the bottom because the ring is top heavy. (hahahahahahaaaaa, my ring is top heavy) The weekend went well. John has decided that my brother is a very funny man. John really likes him. Then John made a point that he agreed with everything Dr. G. had to say. Everything. (MIRACLE: who would guess that my boyfriend/fiancee would agree or even like my Dad? Isn't their some rule about in-laws and tons of jokes about how hard they are to deal with? Doesn't seem to be one of my problems. ) I haven't gotten any feedback from the parents or little brother yet, but it was such an overall congenial affair that I don't know that I need any opinions.
We are going to meet with our priest of choice today at three-thirty. She is episcopalian. Everytime she prays, I am just okay. That sense of peace and easiness comes over me. It's unbelievable. She is a terrific orator. I love her sermons. They all make sense. They flow. AND, she has never forgotten my name after I told her once. (Dr. Gannonism, not everyone has it.) But we are not members of her church nor are we epsicopalian. This means that she gets to decide. I hope she says yes. I said yes, so I hope she does too!
Maybe he just pretended to agree with your dad. That would be a smart idea. Haha. I was totally scared of your dad the first few times I met him. He's rather intimidating. :)
yeah, you should see him in blue make-up...terrifying
Hope. There is hope. I think the whole reason we become attracted to a mate is due to the familiar aspects. John's whole persona reminds me of Mom, Dad, Carter & Kent.
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