Tuesday, March 20, 2007

My puppies sleep upside down. They sleep on their back with thier paws in the air like a dead opossum. They are also chasing cows now. When I mean chasing, I mean leaping up grabbing a hold of the cow's tail while barking incessantly and swinging back and forth while the cow is running back towards the heard. It is very entertaining. They love it. The cows who are easily two tons or just shy of it are actually afraid of my twenty pound pups *and their mom*. I'd like to say that I am not afraid of something that was twenty pounds, but I am afraid of wasps so there you go. We had FIVE wasps in the mud room this morning for which John caught all five and let them go outside. You'd think he's a zen master, but mostly he is just not afraid and a touch insane. Three made their way back into the mudroom while I was doing laundry. I have decided they must have a bat cave entrance into the mudroom. I killed all three. There is nothing about me that is zen like. There is only the roar from within that comes in the victory over the vile, stinging, invasive bugs. The pups think that I am doing a dance of some sort and cheer me on from outside. The days are becoming more like summer everyday. They are warm to a point of sweaty. I sit outside and play with my pups until they cower from the sun in their hot winter coats and retreat to the shade of the trees in the yard. Unless they find it necessary to show off and chase after a bull calf only to be recalled by my short, loud whistle that comes with a dog treat to which ever dog gets back to me first. They return, tongues hanging, begging for me to move into the cool. Never. I am all sun, all the time. I can't imagine not having summer. Although this will be a summer of firsts for me. First time at the farm. First time married. First time in school (ever). First time with my puppies. Maybe if I can learn to sleep with my feet in the air, I will make calmly through this wonderful season of heat.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Just some blog thoughts...

if you lived in my head you would know that I am feeling better by the way I started blogging today without a computer, but now John has the ick. ICK!

Automechanics are awesome people. I have never been to an auto mechanic that wasn't required by an insurance agency (due to wreck...speaking of which I find it interesting that my brother called me in the midst of his wreck, it occurs to me that I am the person he knows who knows the most about wrecks, which I am not sure if that is a compliment that he called me for an opinion or a humiliation because I have had so many WRECKS!!!) or that wasn't employed by a dealership before for serious work. I am not going to a dealership for my oil change, that is stupid, but you know, my light came on in my car. And, it is a new car and it is the first time the light has ever lit. And, I say to my hubby, let's take to Saturn and he said, let's not. And, we took it to a mechanic. John is pretty mechanically inclined which helps because there is no wool to be pulled because he knows how to sheer the sheep. Today my car purrs. I didn't even realize that it wasn't purring before I took it to the shop, all I knew was that I went from getting 37 miles to the gallon to 34 miles to the gallon, which translates in my head as waiting to long to change the oil, but nooooooo...... the mechanic made it purrrrrr...it now gets 39 miles to the gallon without long distance travel. I used to get 40 when I made a trip to mom's, but this tank was bustling about town after I got back from PTC. Oh yes, 39 around town...take that you oily men! The other cool feature they fixed was my ignition. I used to have to yank the steering column and turn the key and stomp my foot (the stomping was so not to lose my cool) in order to start the car. The lovely mechanic made it so I put the key in and turn and it starts the car just like a new car. Purrrrr....

Fafsa sucks.

Started watching the west wing series again. Strangley it is not as addicting this time. I turned to Pretty In Pink after one side of the dvd. I never made it through PIP because it was late and I fell asleep. Finished wathing Coal Minor's Daughter the other night. It is long, took me two times to get all the way through. There is something about country singers who are real that makes for comfort. When I say country singers who are real, I mean who have experienced their songs as opposed to having people write the songs for them. Some day I will buy that one. It was a real decent flick.

I like a super Wally World on a Friday in the mountains. It reminds me of Tuesdays in Decatur. The thing in the mountains though is that you ALWAYS run into someone you know. That didn't neccessarily happen in Decatur, although it happened a lot. The thing about Fridays is that everyone in the county gets paid because they all earn wage and no salary so they go see the super Wally for their weeklies. There are so many people in there that it is like the ATL because you have to just go about your way and ignore all else. Watch out for carts man because there is no seeing around corners. You just have to see about yourself. There is no acknowledgement that you almost get run down, they keep right on going. It allows me to be less self conscious about my shopping. It also allows me to disappear in the masses. I get a little confidence out of the whole deal. The hustle and bustle of the city. Nothing like it.

March is in like a lion. We have had so much wind it is surreal. Hopefully it will go out like a lamb and take the cold wind outta here. It is like a trick when I am trying to get dressed: oh look beautiful sunny skies...but then you walk out in it and are promptly hit up side the head with something the pups drug out from under the house because the wind picked it up just to remind you whose boss...brrrr...go away.

just some blog thoughts...

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I am watching Anne of Green Gables, the sequel. I grew up knowing it as Anne of Avonlea. Why am I watching Anne of Avonlea? Because I am sick. That is what I watch when I am sick. I can remember it being on all the time on PBS or at least one hour of it on the Disney Channel.

This sweet woman at work said that I reminded her of Anne. She said that I was haughty just like the Anne girl. I said thank you because I will take any relation I can get to Anne Shirley. Weird compliment though.

I have been sick since Monday, only on Monday I didn't know I was sick until Tuesday morning I woke up as though I had been in an accident. My body was sore, my nose was stuffed up and my throat was scratchy. Turns out that Cooper had the same thing and was home from school. He had a cough to boot. So I went and watched over the greatest soccer player while eating popsicles and watching movies. Then I went off to grab his sister to take her to her chorus concert and by the time I got back to their house, I was beaten and battered by my cold. It fooled me though. I went to bed at nine and got up around eleven the next day and thought hmm....I feel better only sniffles and no pain.

So I took medicine and went to hang out with my favorite artist, Megan who is working on her first piece for sale. She has quite a talent. She says that she NEEEEEEDS me to be there when she paints. Mostly she needs me there to paint about like she needs me to be there when she cleans. This is a game we played when we were roommates. I would go and sit in her room and she would clean all around me and then she would come and sit in my room while I cleaned around her. It was dreadful to learn how to clean without her when we each had our own place. Needless to say, mostly she paints while I sit there and do nothing. It is the same effect as the cleaning. However, I got back to the farm and K-rashed. John told me not to go out again, but not me, not the social butterfly. I went out to meet with friends. I went to bed at midnight, midnight thirty only to rise at TWO PM today. I couldn't move. My body ached, my head pounded, my nose dripped, my sinus cavity was breeding virus and now I have a cough. I took some medicine again. I hate taking medicine. Thirty minutes I could stand and carry on a sentence and tried to take a shower. Then I passed out. Then John and I went to Dahlonega for a meal as I was feeling up. GReatest meal ever. Horrible server--excellent food. Like WOW. Then off to the post office and ZAP--no energy. I am glad that I got out because otherwise I wouldn't be convince that I needed to just stay home. Sherry called to see if I wanted to hook up and realized once I said hello that I was not in shape for it. So here I sit...Anne makes me feel better. She is the best medicine.

Monday, March 05, 2007

I saw a falling star tonight and thought of Sarah and thusly thought, I needed to blog.

Lots of cool things happening on the farm. We have a visitor that was originally thought to be a beefalo and now turns out to be a real cow called a long haired highland. Unfortunately, it is a calf so mostly it looks like a four legged ewok. (a beefalo for those who are wondering is half buffalo, half cow raised for lean beef) Our farm butts up to a farm owned by a fancy doctor from Augusta. Unlike us, he raises animals for amusement instead of income. He has all sorts of stange animals such as Jacob's sheep and funny goats and turns out--long haired highland cows. They are really beautiful animals, but not as nice as our muts on our farm. Also, turns out that laundry is a dangerous thing for me to do. There was a wasp in my washer the other night that was on one of my turtle necks I was pulling out of it and walla! stung not once, but twice. It crawled up my sleeve to get me the second time and I promptly derobed with all due speed. Other cool things, the puppies have learned to stay and sit. Haha! I have the smartest puppies ever. Turns out they are dirt balls though. Their new thing is to venture out into the pasture with Mom and RedDog so they can role in cow patties. Yeah, that's gross. Definitely qualifies for dirtballdumb.

Read my brother's blog about change. Gave him a buzz and it turns out that he had a friend who also had lots of change and that both of them harnessed their changes into productive results. I got to thinking about it and that never seems to be my reaction to change. For example, Megan moved back to the mountains from Athens. Major change and took my old job (thusly I have a new one) major change. Yet I whined about it. I cried a bit in selfishness. I even told her about how selfish I was being. No hurray or yippee or perhaps constructive behavior like a welcome home gift, no.no. WAAAA. That is how I respond to change. It is better than it used to be. I used to waa and scream and kick and hurt people who loved me. Why? Because I am nutso. The pastor's wife said that there was nothing to be done with a child like that (referring to me), all you can do is pray for her. Guess it worked. I still am upset by change. Mom says that not even normal people like change. That made me feel not so crazy. Next time though, I am going to have to figure out how to get a new room out of it or a bookshelf. Mostly, I just get heartache.

Althoguh, I would say this and will close, I am changing into a maybe nurse. I don't know what I want to change into, but I am trying to change my whole life because the way I used to be wasn't working for me. Sometimes lots of little changes shift over all to one large change that makes more sense than all the little ones. When it all comes together in some sort of coincedence, I call it a God shot. The nice thing about change is that I don't neccesarily know what is going on and strengths my faith the God does. Perhaps that is the constructiveness that I get out of crying over changing.